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Book Examples of IG Script-encoded Institutional Statements

This page lists IG Script-encoded institutional statements examples introduced in Chapters 7 and 8 of the IG Book. Where currently supported, the examples are augmented with links to the prepopulated version of that statement in the IG Parser. The IG Parser is a currently developed implementation to showcase the computational processing of the encoded information, with specific focus on the transformation of encoded statements into tabular output format for further analytical treatment. Additional features under active development include the calculation of analytical metrics for complex institutional statements (as discussed in Chapter 8 of the book), as well as the visual representation of institutional statements.

For an accessible introduction to IG Script, beyond the intuitive introduction provided in Chapter 7, please refer to the IG 2.0 Codebook.

Please note that clicking on the link listed under each statement example of interest in the book should navigate directly to the corresponding statement on this page.

Chapter 7 Examples

Chapter 7 Example 1


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Chapter 7 Example 2

A(Actor) D(must) I(conform) with Bdir(policy) Cac(from 1st January) Cex(under all circumstances)

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Chapter 7 Example 3

I(conform) D(must) with Cac(from 1st January) Cex(under all circumstances) Bdir(policy) A(Actor)

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Chapter 7 Example 4

A,p(certified) A(operation) ...

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Chapter 7 Example 5

A(Actor) D(must) I((accept [XOR] cede)) Bdir(responsibility)

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Chapter 7 Example 6

A(Actor) D(must) I(accept) I(fulfill) Bdir(responsibility)

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Chapter 7 Example 7

A(Actor) D(must) I((accept [XOR] cede)) Bdir(responsibility) [NOT]

Chapter 7 Example 8

A(Actor) D(must) I(([NOT] accept [XOR] cede)) Bdir(responsibility)

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Chapter 7 Example 9

{A(Actor) D(must) I(conform) with Bdir(policy)} {E(Policy) F(applies) Cac(from 1st January)}

Chapter 7 Example 10

{ {A(Actor) D(must) I(conform) with Bdir(policy)} [AND] {E(Policy) F(applies) Cac(from 1st January)} }

Chapter 7 Example 11

A(citizen) D(must) I(conform) with Bdir(policy) O{A(official) D(may) I(sanction) Bdir(citizen) Cex(immediately)}.

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Chapter 7 Example 12

E(Policy) F[confunc=lifecycle](applies) Cac[tmp=date](1st January).

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Chapter 7 Example 13

... Cac[ctx=tmp[initiation,termination]](between June and July) ...

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Chapter 7 Example 14

A[role=experiencer,animacy=animate](Program Manager) ...

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Chapter 7 Example 15

A(Program Manager) I([sends]) ...

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Chapter 7 Example 16

A A(student) D(may) I(request) an Bdir(Incomplete) Cac(if the student has exceptional circumstances that prevent the student from fulfilling all course requirements on time).

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Chapter 7 Example 17

A(Students) D(are expected to) I(attend) Bdir,p(all) Bdir(class sessions) Cac([at all times]) Cex([no constraints]).

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Chapter 7 Example 18

Cac(If physical access to university is restricted) A(instructors) D(shall) I(deliver) Bdir(courses) Cex(via online teaching platforms).

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Chapter 7 Example 19

A(Instructors) I(set) Bdir,p(course-specific) Bdir(policies) Bdir,p(on absences from scheduled class meetings) Cex(in their syllabi).

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Chapter 7 Example 20

A(State) D(will) I(rely) Bdir(on the advice) Bdir,p(of recognized (clinical experts [AND] scientists)) Cex(to (review [AND] approve) the (safety [AND] effectiveness) of every vaccine that is authorized by the federal government for distribution).

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Chapter 7 Example 21

A(A sailing vessel) D(shall not) I(impede) Bdir(the passage of a vessel) Bdir,p(that can safely navigate only within a narrow channel or fairway).

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Chapter 7 Example 22

A(Businesses) D(must) I(submit) Bdir,p(a financial) Bdir(report) Cex(annually), O{A(authorizing body) D(may) I(suspend) Bdir(operating license)}.

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Chapter 7 Example 23

A(farmer) D([must]) I(submit) Bdir,p(an organic systems) Bdir(plan) Cex(by the end of the calendar year) O{the A(certifier) D(may) I(suspend) the Bdir,p(farmer’s) Bdir(operating license)}.

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Chapter 7 Example 24

E(Board Directors) F(are) P(“fiduciaries”) P,p(of the organization they serve).

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Chapter 7 Example 25

E,p(All) E(individuals) E,p((16 years of age and older [AND] that reside in the United States)) F(are eligible) Cex(by law) P(to receive the COVID vaccine).

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Chapter 7 Example 26

A E(Renewable Energy Generation Unit) M(may) F(qualify) P(as a Class II Generation Unit) Cex(subject to regulatory provisions).

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Chapter 7 Example 27

An E(approval) E,p(granted by the Department) M(shall) F(be) a P,p(temporary) P(approval) Cex(only).

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Chapter 7 Example 28

E(Inspection procedures) F(are regulated) P(by provisions) P,p(laid out in Section 2).

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Chapter 7 Example 29

E(Audits) F(are) P,p(financial) P(inspections) P,p(conducted by a certified authority licensed according to this Act).

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Chapter 7 Example 30

E([Characteristics]) F([are]): {P{A(Board of Directors) D(must) Cex(duly) I(be passed [pass]) Bdir([item in question])} [AND] P{A([Board of Directors]) I(establish) Bdir((rule [OR] convention)) Bdir,p(of general application) Bind([of item in question])} [AND] P{E([the item in question]) M(must) F(be) P(mission-consistent)}.}.

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Chapter 7 Example 31

A(Board members) I(serve) Cex(as organizational leaders).

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Chapter 7 Example 32

E(Board members) F(serve as) P,p(organizational) P(leaders).

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Chapter 7 Example 33

A(Faculty) D([must]) I([assign]) Bdir(grades).

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Chapter 7 Example 34

E(Faculty) F(are responsible) for P(assigning grades).

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Chapter 7 Example 35

Cac{When A(Program Manager) I(reveals) Bdir{A,p(accredited) A(certifying agent) I([is not in compliance]) with the Bdir((Act [OR] regulations in this part))} Cac{When A(Program Manager) I((([inspects] [OR] [reviews]) [OR] [investigates])) Bind,p(accredited) Bind(certifying agent)}} A([Program Manager]) D(shall) I([send]) Bdir(notification) Bdir,p(of non-compliance) to the Bind,p(accredited) Bind(certifying agent).

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Chapter 7 Example 36

E(Audits) F(are) P,p1(financial) P(inspections) P,p2(conducted by a certified authority) P,p2,p(licensed according to this Act).

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Chapter 7 Example 37

Cac{When A[role=[actor,experiencer]](Program Manager) I(reveals) Bdir[type=abstract]{A,p(accredited) A[role=actor](certifying agent) I[regfunc=violate](is not in compliance) with the Bdir[anim=inanimate,ref=[act,part]]((Act [OR] regulations in this part))} Cac{When A[role=actor](Program Manager) I[regfunc=monitor](((inspects [OR] reviews) [OR] investigates)) Bind,p(accredited) Bind[role=experiencer](certifying agent)}} A[role=actor](Program Manager) D(shall) I(send) Bdir[type=concrete,anim=inanimate](notification) Bdir,p(of non-compliance) to the Bind,p(accredited) Bind[role=[recipient,maleficiary]](certifying agent).

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Chapter 8 Examples

Chapter 8 Example 1

The A(Program Manager) D(may) I(initiate) Bdir,p((suspension [XOR] revocation)) Bdir(proceedings) against a Bind,p(certified) Bind(operation): {Cac{when the A(Program Manager) I(believes) that Bdir{a A,p(certified) A(operation) I((has violated [OR] is not in compliance)) Bdir(with (the Act [OR] regulations in this part))}}, [OR] Cac{when a A((certifying agent [OR] State organic program’s governing State official)) I(fails to enforce) Bdir((the Act [OR] regulations in this part)).}}

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Chapter 8 Example 2

A A(certifying agent) D(must) I(notify) the Bind(Program Manager) of Bdir,p(all) Bdir(compliance (proceedings [AND] actions)) Bdir,p(taken pursuant to this part).

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Chapter 8 Example 3

Cac{When A([Program Manager]) I(reveals) Bdir,p(any) Bdir(noncompliance) Cex(with the (Act [OR] regulations in this part)) Cac{When A([Program Manager]) I(inspects) an Bdir,p(accredited) Bdir(certifying agent)}} A(Program Manager) D(shall) I(send) Bdir,p(written) Bdir(notification) Bdir,p(of noncompliance) to the Bind(certifying agent).

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Chapter 8 Example 4

Cac{If A(Program Manager) I(fails to submit) Bdir(notification) Bdir,p(of noncompliance)} E(noncompliance proceedings) F(are considered) P(not initiated).

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Chapter 8 Example 5

Cac{When A([Program Manager]) I(reveals) Bdir,p[proptype=quan](any) Bdir(noncompliance) Cex(with the (Act [OR] regulations in this part)) Cac{When A([Program Manager]) I(inspects) an Bdir,p[proptype=qual](accredited) Bdir(certifying agent)}} A(Program Manager) D(shall) I(send) Bdir,p(written) Bdir[proptype=structure](notification) Bdir,p(of noncompliance) to the Bind(certifying agent).

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Chapter 8 Example 6

The A(Program Manager) D(may) I(initiate) Bdir,p(revocation) Bdir(proceedings) against a Bind,p(certified) Bind(operation): {Cac{when the A(Program Manager) I(believes) that a Bdir{A,p(certified) A(operation) has I(violated) the Bdir(Act)}}, [OR] Cac{when a A(certifying agent) I(fails to enforce) Bdir(the Act).}}

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Chapter 8 Example 7

E(Councils) E,p(missing minority representation) F(are) P(illegitimate)

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Chapter 8 Example 8

E(Councils) F(are) P(illegitimate) Cac(missing minority representation)

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Chapter 8 Example 9

E(Councils) F(are) P(illegitimate) Cac{if E(Councils) F(do not have) P(minority representation)}

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Chapter 8 Example 10

E(Councils) M(are required) F(to have) P(minority representation) O{E(Councils) F(are) P(illegitimate)}.

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Chapter 8 Example 11

A(Councils) D(must) I([establish]) Bdir(minority representation) O{E(Councils) F(are) P(illegitimate)}.

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Chapter 8 Example 12

{A(Program Manager) D(should) [NOT] I(believe) that a Bdir{A,p(certified) A(operation) I[regfunc=violate[severe,moderate]]((has violated [OR] is not in compliance)) Bdir[ref=[act,part]]((with the Act [OR] regulations in this part))}} [AND] {a A((certifying agent [OR] State organic program’s governing State official)) D(should) [NOT] I[regfunc=violate](fails to enforce) Bdir[ref=[act,part]]((the Act [OR] regulations in this part))} O{A(Program Manager) D(may) I[regfunc=sanction](initiate) Bdir,p[regfunc=sanction [mild,severe]]((suspension [XOR] revocation)) Bdir(proceedings) against a Bind,p(certified) Bind(operation)}