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Many books contain minor errors in text and representation, and despite careful review during the publishing process, our's is no exception.

Please find the list of corrections for specific passages below. We will update this list whenever we observe or are made aware of those. In this light, please do not hesitate to send us your observations ([email protected]), and if these indeed require correction, we will list those (with attribution) below:

Chapter 3, Page 71, Literature Reference

When discussing the different language families for which the IG has been applied to date, we listed Dunajevas & Skučiene (2016) as an example of IG applications for Slavic languages. However, this is of course incorrect and should be referenced as a Baltic language application. However, the IG has indeed been applied to Slavic languages, an example being the following work:

Pieliński, B., Mering, T. and Szarfenberg, R. (2021), Keeping a distance but heading in the same direction: formal rules on unemployment benefit sanctions and social assistance benefit sanctions in Poland, 1989–2014, International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, Vol. 42 No. 11-12, pp. 1145-1164.

Thank you to Bartosz Pieliński for sharing this observation!

Chapter 5, Page 161, Example Coding

The visual representation of the coded example on Page 161 currently lists the Indirect Object and Indirect Object Properties as follows:

Indirect Object: agent

Indirect Object Properties: certifying

It should instead read (in correspondence to the associated example):

Indirect Object: organic farmer

Indirect Object Properties: certified

Thank you to Seemi Waheed for finding this error!