Virtual IG Training 2024
On this page, you will find resources used as part of the Virtual Sessions of the IG Training 2024 (29th-31st January, 2024).
Those include references to conceptual foundations relevant to understand the use of the Institutional Grammar (specifically Version 2.0), as well as links to tools and exercises used as part of the training.
Specific resources relevant for the training (alongside the broader set of general resources) are posted below:
- IG Book (may be freely available depending on your university library subscription)
- This is the book describing the complete conceptual foundations of the Institutional Grammar 2.0, alongside methodological guidance and discussion of analytical opportunities. Note that complementary detailed operational guidance is provided in the codebook below.
Coding (Codebook & Tools)
IG 2.0 Codebook (freely accessible)
- General IG 2.0 codebook containing a brief overview of conceptual foundations, but primarily focusing on providing coding guidance on different levels of expressiveness, as well as containing an overview of IG Logico taxonomies (e.g., context, role, constitutive, etc.), IG customization options, as well as a Checklist relevant when developing project-specific codebooks
- Example spreadsheet for manual coding in Excel
- IG 2.0-specific layers that can be imported into the Inception Text Annotation Tool to support the encoding.
- Purpose-built open-source software supporting the generic encoding of institutional statements in IG 2.0, with visual and tabular output formats
Example Statements
Below please find estatements used in the exercises (further will be posted during the course of the training).
Bonus statements
Task: Attempt to code the following statements on IG Extended level.
The commission shall modify or delay the implementation of a standard obligation, if the commission determines it is in the public interest to do so.
When implementing the target referred to in the first subparagraph, the relevant Union institutions and the Member States shall prioritise swift and predictable emission reductions and, at the same time, enhance removals by natural sinks.